Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Home Work

Demontrasi maskapai amerika

beberapa poin yang yang membedakannya dengan maskapai lainnya:
1. Di maskapai ini kembali menekan peringatan atau petunjuk larangan.
2. Di maskapai ini diterangkan pula dengan detail cara aman dalam menikmati perjalanan udara, contohnya seperti memerhatikan tali sepatu

Senin, 30 Maret 2015


     Multimedia is the use computer to present and to combine a text, image, voice, animation and video by tool and link, so user can to navigation, interaktion , work and comunication.

  Multimedia consists of various components such as sound, images, graphics, while the media is just channeling information consists of only one component as well as the distribution of information in the newspaper that only uses text media.

    Currently any three application multimedia flare, corel draw, photoshop and movie maker.
Those application is often used for the delivery of information varied and efektive.

    Hypermedia is an application-based retrieval system that allows users to gain access to the text records, audio and video, photographs and computer graphics related to a particular topic. as well as the discovery of information on the internet. Hypermedia is chaneling of multimedia to distribution information on internet used hyperlink.